Recording session, Day 2

Day 2 of the Hamid Drake & Bindu III sessions was equally cool, fun, and rewarding. It is so nice to get to spend all day with really cool people, who also happen to be fabulous musicians.


Studio munchies are important. Hamid made a Trader Joe’s run before we went to the studio. The salsa and the cherry tomatoes were particularly good.


Hamid and Jeff Parker getting ready for the first take of the day.

Hamid is one of those guys who you have to be careful what you say around him. I commented that an organ bubble and skank would sound good one one particular track, and by then end of the day the organ was plugged in and I was tracking an organ overdub. A real case of watch what you wish for, but it was fun, and playing organ in a reggae band has been a long time dream of mine.

I am back in New Orleans, but the rest of the band is in Chicago today mixing it. I’m sorry that I am missing the mix session, but another feeling that ranks with making good music with great friends, is the feeling of your daughter who you haven’t seen in a couple of days screaming, “Daddy!!!” and running into your arms.

We ended up putting some really good music together in these two days. I can’t wait for you all to hear it. Look for it sometime early next year probably.