Basement webcasts net major record deal for Scots singer – The Herald

Basement webcasts net major record deal for Scots singer – The Herald

Several record labels approached the aspiring 24-year-old after she used her website to entertain worldwide audiences of more than 100,000 a night.

The good news is this is a story of an artist using the net to start or advance her career. The bad news is the measure of success is still a major label deal.

I’m not saying that labels are all bad. They definitely have their place, but the real web/music/success stories will be when artists are using the web to gain artistic and fiscal freedom outside of the old school label system.

One thought on “Basement webcasts net major record deal for Scots singer – The Herald”

  1. Exactly. Has she finally realized her dream that one day her fans could be sued by the RIAA for ripping music she used to share gladly? Or was it the autonomy, artistic freedom, and lack of exploitation that as getting her down?

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