Jeff Albert » My new download store & new duet recording

Jeff Albert » My new download store & new duet recording

My music is now available as legal downloads from Pepper Enterprises mp3 Store. The store sells high quality 256k mp3s, that never have any DRM, so you can burn them or listen to them on whatever player you like. We appreciate the fact that you are willing to pay for music to support its creation. We won’t treat you like a criminal if you buy stuff from us. We trust you to do the right thing, which includes turning your friends on to music that you like, so hopefully they will buy it too.

Having access to my own download store will also allow me to make much more music available to the public, like the new recordings that have just been released called Duets Vol. 1 by Jeff Albert & Ed Barrett. Read more about the new recording here.
Jeff Albert & ed Barrett Duets Vol. 1 Cover

Brian O’Neill 1955-2005

We have lost a wonderful man and a fabulous musician. Brian O’Neill passed away Thursday night. Brian was becoming well known as the bass trombonist in Bonerama, but those of us in New Orleans, and Buffalo, and up and down the Mississippi have known for a long time, that Brian was the best. He played wonderful trombone, and piano, and sang. He was also one of the best writers and arrangers around.

There is a nice photo tribute to Brian on the Bonerama website.

Click here to listen a solo he recorded with Bonerama. To paraphrase on of the kids on the OTJF, “the best bass trombone solo I’ve ever heard.”