I have been listening to quite a bit of new (to me) music lately, but don’t really have time to write about much (or any) of it, so I am going to rock it as a shout out post. I scored most of this stuff on eMusic, so a search there should yield sound sample and purchasing opportunities. I have been listening to and enjoying these things:

4 Corners 4 Corners (Clean Feed)

Dennis Gonzalez NY Quartet Dance of the Soothsayer’s Tounge (Clean Feed)

Fieldwork, featuring Vijay Iyer, Stebe Lehman & Tyshawn Sorry Door (Pi)

Empty Cage Quartet Stratospheric (Clean Feed)

Fred Anderson & Hamid Drake From the River to the Ocean (Thrill Jockey)

Jason Adasiewicz Rolldown (482 Music)

Steve Lehman On Meaning (Pi)

Steve Lehman Quartet Manifold (Clean Feed)